Owwww… (sorry, me again!), but how can a man say in the same breath, that someone who holds to the “virulent heresy that is Christian Zionism”, is also a “godly man…, who wants to live his life in a way that pleases God”? Here I am really struggling to hang on to any sense of bedrock sanity.
Btw I’m still trying to recover for you definitive proof that Trump is secretly a convert to Judaism. All that I had on that has been scrubbed. But I do have an excerpt from one of Trump’s books where he openly describes his Talmud mentor and the advice he would act on from his own private Talmudic teacher…if you are interested in that?
There’s all this talk about the hostages Hamas took on October 7th. And we know that October 7th was Mossad allowing it to happen. And just like Pearl Harbor, where the Japanese were put into a place of fear and desperation to go with a strike first scenario…most likely pushed by the bankster cult…and allowed to happen by the American political controllers. That comparison made, how come you hear little to nothing of the overwhelming amount of Palestinian prisoners / hostages that Israel was holding prior to the October event? Was October 7th a Hamas move to capture their own hostages in order to receive back Palestinian hostages? Was that the Palestinian’s desperate pressure move…like that of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor? Or could October 7th be an even more diabolical Mossad operation that didn’t really involve Hamas at all, but used amoral mercenaries to carry this out…and call it Hamas?
Erm, forgive me, but whilst “ethnic cleansing” may technically, on paper, in theory, as an official chunk of a piece of curriculum (etc, etc), not specifically mean “genocide”, both historically and in terms of contemporary reality, it most certainly does mean BOTH removing people from location A to location B, AND actual genocide of those same people, even if not every single individual belonging to that group is actually murdered.
By definition, this type of enforced, transitive moving of unwilling subjects away from the place in which they naturally belong, ALWAYS involves force: aka violence.
And violence CAN BUT result in death - whether by physical brutality, deprivation of clothing and shelter from the elements, torture, or starvation, sickness, destruction of family units, and extreme psychological and emotional torment.
The term “ethnic cleansing” is as much a deliberate lie as Abortion. Abortion consists of a Greek prefix: a[b], meaning from, or away from; and the primary component, which is the German noun [das] Ort: [the] place.
It’s stainless steel clinically sterile connotations partially successfully disguise it in the minds of those who chose to use it as the euphemism the it is, rather than blurt out the ugly truth by using nouns like ‘infanticide’, and verbs such as ‘to murder’, and ‘to kill’.
Thus it has usurped its place in “the [medical] literature”, and in the thinking of a deliberately unquestioning public, as if it were a neutral procedure far removed from the actual human flesh, organs, bones, a tissues, and souls that it so brutally and cruelly destroys - along with the mother’s (and often also the father’s) heart and conscience.
Words matter. And knowingly to live the schizophrenic, oxymoronic lie of remaining deliberately unquestioning, is a choice we will struggle to give account for when we are charged with Romans 1 on our deathbeds.
And aside from that, how arrogantly presumptuous of Donald Trump, flailing out of his depth, trying to “do good” with one hand whilst offering the other to be chained ever more tightly to his Jesuit-Zionist handlers, to suggest that Egypt and Jordan will be perfectly happy to mop up a few bedraggled Palestinians and kindly douse them with a spot of cheap bleach, so that the “Israelis” can get on with the limitless expansion plans for their model “democracy” in peace, poor dears.
Urgh… I wish I could believe, that the arrival of American contractors to bulldoze the tattered remains of Gaza and “clean it up and make it a nice place to live” (to more or less quote Trump’s words) would be a good thing: a bold protective chess move.
But I can’t.
For a start, though on the one hand it may appear at least to be putting the US, not the Israeli Zionists, in charge of Gaza, and thus in some measure to be offering Palestinians some protection from the (US - financed, ahem) bombs raining down upon them, on the other hand it represents yet another means of stripping the Palestinians themselves of any humanity and dignity - especially those pertaining to the right to decide their own future.
Decimated as they themselves may be (snd “decimated” is a gross understatement). and destroyed as their land may be, those whom I have listened to would rather die fighting with only their innocence to protect them, than be offered false charity by the very people who backed the butchery and in many cases meted it out personally, given the massive numbers of Jewish dual national US and Israeli citizens “defending” Israel from within the ranks of the IDF.
Yes: PLEASE put Mike Huckabee directly in front of some of the Palestinian Christians - and Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Muslims - whom you know from direct boots-on-the-ground experience, so that he may see that they are real, live, living, breathing, intelligent and compassionate human beings, and not the sub- human Goyim that he has come to think of them as, through the Talmudic-Jesuit-Zionist worldview that has corrupted Christian thought for so long.
As Ambassador, Huckabee could have tremendous influence for good, if he is able to let go of Zionist error and instead help expose it (diplomatically, of course).
There can be very few of us, whether in high positions of international influence or doing our main influencing from the kitchen sink, who, as Christians, have not fallen for some form or other of Zionism and have thereby colluded in the appalling suffering of Palestinians.
I’m at the 18 - 19 minute mark and strongly inclined to agree with you, Jeremy; though at the same time we know, from past biblical history, that the Lord can - and does! - turn the hearts of even the greatest men (by earthly standards) who are themselves wolves in [orange] sheep’s clothing, to accomplish His ultimate purposes.
Owwww… (sorry, me again!), but how can a man say in the same breath, that someone who holds to the “virulent heresy that is Christian Zionism”, is also a “godly man…, who wants to live his life in a way that pleases God”? Here I am really struggling to hang on to any sense of bedrock sanity.
I understand. I will ask him directly and let you know Jessica.
Thank you, Jeremy. I would genuinely love to know how he reconciles that conflict. 🙏🙏
Btw I’m still trying to recover for you definitive proof that Trump is secretly a convert to Judaism. All that I had on that has been scrubbed. But I do have an excerpt from one of Trump’s books where he openly describes his Talmud mentor and the advice he would act on from his own private Talmudic teacher…if you are interested in that?
I have a question.
There’s all this talk about the hostages Hamas took on October 7th. And we know that October 7th was Mossad allowing it to happen. And just like Pearl Harbor, where the Japanese were put into a place of fear and desperation to go with a strike first scenario…most likely pushed by the bankster cult…and allowed to happen by the American political controllers. That comparison made, how come you hear little to nothing of the overwhelming amount of Palestinian prisoners / hostages that Israel was holding prior to the October event? Was October 7th a Hamas move to capture their own hostages in order to receive back Palestinian hostages? Was that the Palestinian’s desperate pressure move…like that of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor? Or could October 7th be an even more diabolical Mossad operation that didn’t really involve Hamas at all, but used amoral mercenaries to carry this out…and call it Hamas?
Erm, forgive me, but whilst “ethnic cleansing” may technically, on paper, in theory, as an official chunk of a piece of curriculum (etc, etc), not specifically mean “genocide”, both historically and in terms of contemporary reality, it most certainly does mean BOTH removing people from location A to location B, AND actual genocide of those same people, even if not every single individual belonging to that group is actually murdered.
By definition, this type of enforced, transitive moving of unwilling subjects away from the place in which they naturally belong, ALWAYS involves force: aka violence.
And violence CAN BUT result in death - whether by physical brutality, deprivation of clothing and shelter from the elements, torture, or starvation, sickness, destruction of family units, and extreme psychological and emotional torment.
The term “ethnic cleansing” is as much a deliberate lie as Abortion. Abortion consists of a Greek prefix: a[b], meaning from, or away from; and the primary component, which is the German noun [das] Ort: [the] place.
It’s stainless steel clinically sterile connotations partially successfully disguise it in the minds of those who chose to use it as the euphemism the it is, rather than blurt out the ugly truth by using nouns like ‘infanticide’, and verbs such as ‘to murder’, and ‘to kill’.
Thus it has usurped its place in “the [medical] literature”, and in the thinking of a deliberately unquestioning public, as if it were a neutral procedure far removed from the actual human flesh, organs, bones, a tissues, and souls that it so brutally and cruelly destroys - along with the mother’s (and often also the father’s) heart and conscience.
Words matter. And knowingly to live the schizophrenic, oxymoronic lie of remaining deliberately unquestioning, is a choice we will struggle to give account for when we are charged with Romans 1 on our deathbeds.
And aside from that, how arrogantly presumptuous of Donald Trump, flailing out of his depth, trying to “do good” with one hand whilst offering the other to be chained ever more tightly to his Jesuit-Zionist handlers, to suggest that Egypt and Jordan will be perfectly happy to mop up a few bedraggled Palestinians and kindly douse them with a spot of cheap bleach, so that the “Israelis” can get on with the limitless expansion plans for their model “democracy” in peace, poor dears.
Urgh… I wish I could believe, that the arrival of American contractors to bulldoze the tattered remains of Gaza and “clean it up and make it a nice place to live” (to more or less quote Trump’s words) would be a good thing: a bold protective chess move.
But I can’t.
For a start, though on the one hand it may appear at least to be putting the US, not the Israeli Zionists, in charge of Gaza, and thus in some measure to be offering Palestinians some protection from the (US - financed, ahem) bombs raining down upon them, on the other hand it represents yet another means of stripping the Palestinians themselves of any humanity and dignity - especially those pertaining to the right to decide their own future.
Decimated as they themselves may be (snd “decimated” is a gross understatement). and destroyed as their land may be, those whom I have listened to would rather die fighting with only their innocence to protect them, than be offered false charity by the very people who backed the butchery and in many cases meted it out personally, given the massive numbers of Jewish dual national US and Israeli citizens “defending” Israel from within the ranks of the IDF.
Yes: PLEASE put Mike Huckabee directly in front of some of the Palestinian Christians - and Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Muslims - whom you know from direct boots-on-the-ground experience, so that he may see that they are real, live, living, breathing, intelligent and compassionate human beings, and not the sub- human Goyim that he has come to think of them as, through the Talmudic-Jesuit-Zionist worldview that has corrupted Christian thought for so long.
As Ambassador, Huckabee could have tremendous influence for good, if he is able to let go of Zionist error and instead help expose it (diplomatically, of course).
There can be very few of us, whether in high positions of international influence or doing our main influencing from the kitchen sink, who, as Christians, have not fallen for some form or other of Zionism and have thereby colluded in the appalling suffering of Palestinians.
I’m at the 18 - 19 minute mark and strongly inclined to agree with you, Jeremy; though at the same time we know, from past biblical history, that the Lord can - and does! - turn the hearts of even the greatest men (by earthly standards) who are themselves wolves in [orange] sheep’s clothing, to accomplish His ultimate purposes.
This was such a great interview! Thank you so much for sharing. I hope many people get to see this!🙏🙏