
Have YOU Been Charged With "Replacement Theology"?

A Response to Popular Dispensational Leaders, with Bible Teacher Steve Gregg

A few years ago, Pastor Jack Hibbs hosted a round-table discussion with Dr's. Mark Hitchcock and Paul Wilkinson. You can watch the original video here.

The subject was Supersessionism, which they mistakenly labeled as "Replacement Theology." Unfortunately for the audience of that broadcast, there was no one at the table to explain and defend the Supersessionist position that was being criticized. So, Bible teacher Steve Gregg responded with this thorough critique of the Hibbs broadcast.

Video Provided by: thenarrowpath.com

For more information on the history of dispensationalism in the American church, Please check out my most recent article on the life of Cyrus Scofield: https://jslayusa.com/p/cyrus-scofield-scoundrel-or-scholar